5th: ComicCon@Home 2020! Home-Made MangaCon!
Sean attends ComicCon@Home! Paul builds his own Manga con! It has been a week of building appreciation for this hobby for the both of us! Also, Sean read Berserk. Paul played Resident Evil.
Sean attends ComicCon@Home! Paul builds his own Manga con! It has been a week of building appreciation for this hobby for the both of us! Also, Sean read Berserk. Paul played Resident Evil.
Paul is deep in Wandering Island and Kingyo Used Books, and Sean continues the Age of Apocalypse. This leads to a discussion about Cyclops, the quintessential X-Man who may seem boring on the surface, but has depths that we reveal in our discussion.
Those Star Wars legends are punishment enough for Sean. Plus, Paul missed Turtles, The Musical Adventure, and maybe that’s ok.