63rd: Celebrating Star Wars and Wrestling
Sean went to Star Wars Celebration! Paul watched wrestling! We find commonality!
Sean went to Star Wars Celebration! Paul watched wrestling! We find commonality!
What do we keep? What do we get rid of? That is the eternal question for a collector. We talk about this conundrum a bit.
Wondercon, horror movie update, and MetroidVania.
We discuss horror movies.
We zig and zag all over: Westworld, binge watching, Legos, Zelda, Yellowstone, Marvel movies, video game remasters. Lots of zigging and zagging.
We continue our discussion of Sandman with the Convergence stories plus the Ramadan story from issue 50.
In honor of Sean’s newfound status of Father, we discuss some fictional fathers that resonate with us.
Action Force from Valaverse is here! Sean talks about his shipment of these new action figures. Plus, wrestling figures and sports.
Our discussion of Sandman continues with A Game Of You.
We celebrate the life of Uncle Don by discussing some of the things he enjoyed, and remembering the positive influence he had on Paul.